Next Generation NCLEX
Exam Writers
Register to write the NGN, or learn more about:
- preparing for the NGN
- the purpose of the NGN
- what it does (and doesn’t) test
- what to do if you have to re-attempt the exam
Nurse Educators and Schools
Find resources to help you assist students with preparing for the NGN, and learn more about:
- the purpose of the NGN and CNO’s role
- the contents of the exam
- how to receive ongoing exam results
Quebec Professional Examination (QPE)
In 2013, Council approved the professional examination for the Ordre des infirmières et infirmiers du Québec (also known as the Quebec Professional Examination) for registering as an RN in the General class. You must have passed this exam within three attempts.
Canadian Registered Nurse Exam (no longer offered)
Council continues to accept the CRNE for registering as an RN in the General Class if it was written before January 2015. You must have passed this exam within three attempts.