In 2020, the Ministry of Health established a new annual reporting requirement for all health regulatory colleges. The College Performance Measurement Framework (CPMF) enables us to measure and report, in a standardized manner, how we are acting in the public interest.

Completing the CPMF is an opportunity for CNO to reflect on our achievements, better understand how we measure up to best practices in regulation and to identify areas of improvement.

The Ministry requires us to report on the following seven domains that relate to how we execute our key statutory functions and serve the public interest:

  1. Governance
  2. Resources
  3. System Partner
  4. Information Management
  5. Regulatory Policies
  6. Suitability to Practice
  7. Measurement, reporting and improvement

Under each domain are standards that outline best practices of regulatory excellence. Colleges will update this report annually, noting any progress on areas identified for improvement or adding new or updated information required by the Ministry of Health. After reviewing the reports, the Ministry will provide CNO with performance feedback. These reports are one of the ways colleges demonstrate their commitment to the public interest for the people of Ontario.