As an applicant, you have the right to appeal any College decision regarding your application.

If you disagree with a decision affecting your application, you can request a review of your file by the College’s Registration Committee. This committee meets once a month to assess the qualification of applicants to the College.

If you disagree with a decision by the Registration Committee, you can appeal the decision by sending your request in writing (not by email) to both the Registration Committee and the Health Professions Appeal and Review Board, an independent review board established under the Regulated Health Professions Act (RHPA).

Your request for an appeal must be received by the College within 30 days after the date you received notice of the Registration Committee’s decision. You can ask for either a hearing (you and a College representative appear in person to present evidence to the Board) or a review (Board members review written submissions from the applicant and the College).

You can contact the Registration Committee and the Health Professions Appeal and Review Board at the addresses below: