The medication schedule lists the medications Registered Nurses (RNs) with prescribing authority can prescribe in Ontario. It includes a combination of individual medications and categories of medications.

To help verify if a medication falls within a category of authorized medications, RNs must use the best available evidence to inform their practice. RNs can only prescribe medications for the purposes listed in the schedule.

Medications that fall into categories can be verified in one of three ways:

  • Prescription medications - These medications are based on the World Health Organization Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical (ATC) classification system—an internationally accepted medication classification system for drug utilization studies. The ATC system includes a search function to easily view medications within each category. To confirm if a prescription medication falls within an authorized category of medications, check the ATC code.
  • Any drug or substance that is available for self-selection in a pharmacy:
  • Natural health products - To ensure a natural health product can be prescribed and is approved for use in Canada refer to Health Canada – natural health products.

The following chart lists the medications authorized RNs can prescribe in Ontario:



Travel health

Topical Wound Care

Smoking Cessation Only

Anesthetics (topical only)

Allergic reaction

Over-The-Counter Medication

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