The Discipline and Fitness to Practise Committees share the same membership.
We are looking for nurses who
- understand standards and how a nurse’s practice and behaviour impacts patient safety
- can make decisions
- can apply legal criteria (with legal counsel support) when making decisions
- have experience protecting patients’ rights
- act in their patients’ best interests
- are committed to safety for patients and communities
- have prior board or committee experience (for example, through professional experience or volunteerism)
- have excellent clear-writing skills
To work well on a College committee, you must be someone who
- seeks understanding and communicates clearly
- is self-aware and can manage emotions when faced with conflict
- is helpful to others and able to build relationships
- has unquestioned integrity
- is able to develop and apply learning
- has professional judgement and is a critical thinker
- is comfortable using information technology and web-based applications (committee work is paperless):
- to review material in an online format
- to collaborate with other committee members on shared documents
- to collaborate effectively in virtual meetings
- to use MS Office applications
You will need to
- participate in virtual hearings between one and four days each month, with some hearings lasting two to four days in a row
- possibly participate in an in-person hearing in Toronto (if appropriate)
- review materials and participate in short virtual meetings (half to one day a month)
- participate in orientation, training and ongoing education (two to four days a year)
- participate in one in-person meeting in Toronto (if appropriate)
- participate in virtual hearings/meetings in an area that ensures confidentiality and no interruptions
- contribute to the discussion and decision-making at meetings and hearings
- comply with the Conduct By-Law for Council and committee members
About the Discipline Committee’s work
The committee holds public hearings, at which evidence is tabled. From the evidence, the committee decides whether a nurse is incompetent or has committed an act, or acts, of professional misconduct.
If so, it determines the appropriate action, including:
- reprimanding a nurse
- imposing terms, conditions and limitations on a nurse’s practice, or suspending a nurse
- requiring a nurse to pay a fine
- revoking a nurse’s registration
Following a hearing, the committee writes its decision and reasons.
Members of the committee may be asked to take on additional roles, such as pre-hearing Chair, panel Chair or decision writer. These roles involve additional time commitments.
About the Fitness to Practise Committee’s work
The committee reviews and approves agreements between the College and a nurse about the actions the nurse will take to ensure their health condition does not affect patient care. Where no agreement is possible, the committee conducts a hearing and reviews evidence and arguments presented by both sides. Fitness to practise hearings are not public.
From the evidence, the committee decides if a nurse has a health condition that could impact the nurse’s ability to practice safely and, if so, the appropriate action to take, including:
- imposing terms, conditions and limitations on a nurse’s practice, or suspending a nurse
- revoking a nurse’s registration
Following a hearing, the committee writes its decision and reasons. Members of the committee may be asked to take on additional roles, such as panel Chair or decision writer. These roles involve additional time commitments.
The College
- provides regulatory expertise and advice
- delivers orientation, education and ongoing support
- provides legal counsel to support the committee
- schedules all meetings and hearings in advance
- pays a daily honorarium and covers expenses